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Section: Clam AntiVirus (5)
Updated: December 4, 2013
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freshclam.conf - Configuration file for Clam AntiVirus database update tool  


The file freshclam.conf configures the Clam AntiVirus Database Updater, freshclam(1).  


The file consists of comments and options with arguments. Each line which starts with a hash (#) symbol is ignored by the parser. Options and arguments are case sensitive and of the form Option Argument. The arguments are of the following types:
Boolean value (yes/no or true/false or 1/0).
String without blank characters.
Size in bytes. You can use 'M' or 'm' modifiers for megabytes and 'K' or 'k' for kilobytes.
Unsigned integer.


When an option is not used (hashed or doesn't exist in the configuration file) freshclam takes a default action.

If this option is set freshclam will not run.
LogFileMaxSize SIZE
Limit the size of the log file. The logger will be automatically disabled if the file is greater than SIZE. Value of 0 disables the limit.
Default: 1M
LogTime BOOL
Log time with each message.
Default: no
LogSyslog BOOL
Enable logging to Syslog. May be used in combination with UpdateLogFile.
Default: disabled.
LogFacility STRING
Specify the type of syslog messages - please refer to 'man syslog' for facility names.
Default: LOG_LOCAL6
LogVerbose BOOL
Enable verbose logging.
Default: disabled
LogRotate BOOL
Rotate log file. Requires LogFileMaxSize option set prior to this option.
Default: no
This option allows you to save the process identifier of the daemon to a file specified in the argument.
Default: disabled
DatabaseDirectory STRING
Path to a directory containing database files.
Default: /var/lib/clamav
Foreground BOOL
Don't fork into background.
Default: no
Debug BOOL
Enable debug messages in libclamav.
Default: no
AllowSupplementaryGroups BOOL
Initialize supplementary group access (freshclam must be started by root).
Default: disabled
UpdateLogFile STRING
Enable logging to a specified file. Highly recommended.
Default: disabled.
DatabaseOwner STRING
When started by root, drop privileges to a specified user.
Number of database checks per day.
Default: 12
DNSDatabaseInfo STRING
Use DNS to verify the virus database version. Freshclam uses DNS TXT records to verify the versions of the database and software itself. With this directive you can change the database verification domain.
WARNING: Please don't change it unless you're configuring freshclam to use your own database verification domain.
Default: enabled, pointing to
DatabaseMirror STRING
DatabaseMirror specifies to which mirror(s) freshclam should connect. You should have at least two entries: (or for IPv6) and (in this order). Please replace XY with your country code (see is a round-robin record which points to our most reliable mirrors. It's used as a fall back in case is not working.
PrivateMirror STR
This option allows you to easily point freshclam to private mirrors. If PrivateMirror is set, freshclam does not attempt to use DNS to determine whether its databases are out-of-date, instead it will use the If-Modified-Since request or directly check the headers of the remote database files. For each database, freshclam first attempts to download the CLD file. If that fails, it tries to download the CVD file. This option overrides DatabaseMirror, DNSDatabaseInfo and ScriptedUpdates. It can be used multiple times to provide fall-back mirrors.
Default: disabled
MaxAttempts NUMBER
How many attempts (per mirror) to make before giving up.
Default: 3 (per mirror)
ScriptedUpdates BOOL
With this option you can control scripted updates. It's highly recommended to keep it enabled.
Default: yes
TestDatabases BOOL
With this option enabled, freshclam will attempt to load new databases into memory to make sure they are properly handled by libclamav before replacing the old ones.
Default: enabled
CompressLocalDatabase BOOL
By default freshclam will keep the local databases (.cld) uncompressed to make their handling faster. With this option you can enable the compression; the change will take effect with the next database update.
Default: no
ExtraDatabase STRING
Download an additional 3rd party signature database distributed through the ClamAV mirrors. This option can be used multiple times. Here you can find a list of available databases:
Default: disabled
DatabaseCustomURL STRING
With this option you can provide custom sources (http:// or file://) for database files. This option can be used multiple times.
Default: disabled
Use given proxy server and TCP port for database downloads. HTTPProxyPort defaults to 8080.
HTTPProxyUsername STR,HTTPProxyPassword STRING
Proxy usage is authenticated through given username and password.
Default: disabled
If your servers are behind a firewall/proxy which applies User-Agent filtering, you can use this option to force the use of a different User-Agent header.
Default: clamav/version_number
NotifyClamd STRING
Notify a running clamd(8) to reload its database after a download has occurred. The path for clamd.conf file must be provided.
Default: The default is to not notify clamd. See clamd.conf(5)'s option SelfCheck for how clamd(8) handles database updates in this case.
OnUpdateExecute STRING
Execute this command after the database has been successfully updated.
Default: disabled
OnErrorExecute STRING
Execute this command after a database update has failed.
Default: disabled
OnOutdatedExecute STRING
Execute this command when freshclam reports outdated version. In the command string %v will be replaced by the new version number.
Default: disabled
LocalIPAddress IP
Use IP as client address for downloading databases. Useful for multi homed systems.
Default: Use OS'es default outgoing IP address.
ConnectTimeout NUMBER
Timeout in seconds when connecting to database server.
Default: 10
ReceiveTimeout NUMBER
Timeout in seconds when reading from database server.
Default: 30
SubmitDetectionStats STRING
When enabled freshclam will submit statistics to the ClamAV Project about the latest virus detections in your environment. The ClamAV maintainers will then use this data to determine what types of malware are the most detected in the field and in what geographic area they are. Freshclam will connect to clamd in order to get the recent statistics. The path for clamd.conf file must be provided.
Default: disabled
DetectionStatsCountry STRING
Country of origin of malware/detection statistics (for statistical purposes only). The statistics collector at will look up your IP address to determine the geographical origin of the malware reported by your installation. If this installation is mainly used to scan data which comes from a different location, please enable this option and enter a two-letter code (see of the country of origin.
Default: disabled
DetectionStatsHostID STRING
This option enables support for our "Personal Statistics" service. When this option is enabled, the information on malware detected by your clamd installation is made available to you through our website. To get your HostID, log on and add a new host to your host list. Once you have the HostID, uncomment this option and paste the HostID here. As soon as your freshclam starts submitting information to our stats collecting service, you will be able to view the statistics of this clamd installation by logging into with the same credentials you used to generate the HostID. For more information refer to: This feature requires SubmitDetectionStats to be enabled.
Default: disabled
SafeBrowsing BOOL
This option enables support for Google Safe Browsing. When activated for the first time, freshclam will download a new database file (safebrowsing.cvd) which will be automatically loaded by clamd and clamscan during the next reload, provided that the heuristic phishing detection is turned on. This database includes information about websites that may be phishing sites or possible sources of malware. When using this option, it's mandatory to run freshclam at least every 30 minutes. Freshclam uses the ClamAV's mirror infrastructure to distribute the database and its updates but all the contents are provided under Google's terms of use. See and for more information.
Default: disabled
Bytecode BOOL
This option enables downloading of bytecode.cvd, which includes additional detection mechanisms and improvements to the ClamAV engine.
Default: enabled




Thomas Lamy <>, Tomasz Kojm <>, Kevin Lin <>  


freshclam(1), clamd.conf(5), clamd(8), clamscan(1)




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