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Section: Java Deployment Tools (1)
Updated: 03 March 2015
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javapackager - Performs tasks related to packaging and signing Java and JavaFX applications.  


javapackager command [options]


The task that should be performed.


One or more options for the command separated by spaces.


You can specify one of the following commands. After the command, specify the options for it.


Converts CSS files into binary form.


Produces a JAR archive according to other parameters.


Assembles the application package for redistribution. By default, the deploy task generates the base application package, but it can also generate a self-contained application package if requested.


Performs compilation, createjar, and deploy steps as one call, with most arguments predefined, and attempts to generate all applicable self-contained application packages. The source files must be located in a folder called src, and the resulting files (JAR, JNLP, HTML, and self-contained application packages) are put in a folder called dist. This command can only be configured in a minimal way and is as automated as possible.


Signs JAR file(s) with a provided certificate.


-outdir dir

Name of the directory that will receive generated output files.

-srcdir dir

Base directory of the files to package.

-srcfiles files

List of files in the directory specified by the -srcdir option. If omitted, all files in the directory (which is a mandatory argument in this case) will be used. Files in the list must be separated by spaces.


-appclass app-class

Qualified name of the application class to be executed.

-argument arg

An unnamed argument to be inserted into the JNLP file as an <fx:argument> element.

-classpath files

List of dependent JAR file names.

-manifestAttrs manifest-attributes

List of names and values for additional manifest attributes. Syntax:



The packager will not convert CSS files to binary form before copying to JAR.

-outdir dir

Name of the directory that will receive generated output files.

-outfile filename

Name (without the extension) of the file that will be generated.

-paramfile file

A properties file with default named application parameters.

-preloader preloader-class

Qualified name of the JavaFX preloader class to be executed. Use this option only for JavaFX applications. Do not use for Java applications, including headless applications.

-srcdir dir

Base directory of the files to package.

-srcfiles files

List of files in the directory specified by the -srcdir option. If omitted, all files in the directory (which is a mandatory argument in this case) will be used. Files in the list must be separated by spaces.



If present, the application will require all security permissions in the JNLP file.

-appclass app-class

Qualified name of the application class to be executed.

-argument arg

An unnamed argument to be inserted into an <fx:argument> element in the JNLP file.


Provides information to the bundler that is used to package a self-contained application. See Arguments for Self-Contained Application Bundlers for information on the arguments for each bundler.


Specifies user callback methods in generated HTML. The format is the following:


-description description

Description of the application.


If present, the certificates will be embedded in the JNLP file.


If present, the JNLP file will be embedded in the HTML document.

-height height

Height of the application.

-htmlparamfile file

Properties file with parameters for the resulting application when it is run in the browser.


If present, the srcfiles are treated as extensions.

-name name

Name of the application.

-native type

Generate self-contained application bundles (if possible). Use the -B option to provide arguments to the bundlers being used. If type is specified, then only a bundle of this type is created. If no type is specified, all is used.

The following values are valid for type:

* all: Runs all of the installers for the platform on which it is running, and creates a disk image for the application. This value is used if type is not specified.

* installer: Runs all of the installers for the platform on which it is running.

* image: Creates a disk image for the application. On OS X, the image is the .app file. On Linux, the image is the directory that gets installed.

* dmg: Generates a DMG file for OS X.

* pkg: Generates a .pkg package for OS X.

* mac.appStore: Generates a package for the Mac App Store.

* rpm: Generates an RPM package for Linux.

* deb: Generates a Debian package for Linux.


If present, the bundle generated for self-contained applications is not signed by the bundler. The default for bundlers that support signing is to sign the bundle if signing keys are properly configured. This attribute is ignored by bundlers that do not support signing. At the time of the 8u40 release of the JDK, only OS X bundlers support signing.

-outdir dir

Name of the directory that will receive generated output files.

-outfile filename

Name (without the extension) of the file that will be generated.

-paramfile file

Properties file with default named application parameters.

-preloader preloader-class

Qualified name of the JavaFX preloader class to be executed. Use this option only for JavaFX applications. Do not use for Java applications, including headless applications.

-srcdir dir

Base directory of the files to package.

-srcfiles files

List of files in the directory specified by the -srcdir option. If omitted, all files in the directory (which is a mandatory argument in this case) will be used. Files in the list must be separated by spaces.


Application ID of the application for template processing.


Name of the HTML template file. Placeholders are in the following form:

Where APPID is the identifier of an application and XXX is one of following:


Location of dtjava.js in the Deployment Toolkit. By default, the location is


Script element to include dtjava.js of the Deployment Toolkit.


Code to embed the application into a given placeholder. It is expected that the code will be wrapped in the function() method.


All the code needed to embed the application into a web page using the onload hook (except inclusion of dtjava.js).


Code needed to launch the application. It is expected that the code will be wrapped in the function() method.


Name of the HTML file that will be generated from the template.

-title title

Title of the application.

-vendor vendor

Vendor of the application.

-width width

Width of the application.

-updatemode update-mode

Sets the update mode for the JNLP file.


-appclass app-class

Qualified name of the application class to be executed.

-classpath files

List of dependent JAR file names.

-height height

Height of the application.

-name name

Name of the application.

-preloader preloader-class

Qualified name of the JavaFX preloader class to be executed. Use this option only for JavaFX applications. Do not use for Java applications, including headless applications.

-width width

Width of the application.



Alias for the key.


Password for recovering the key.

-keyStore file

Keystore file name.

-outdir dir

Name of the directory that will receive generated output files.

-srcdir dir

Base directory of the files to be signed.

-srcfiles files

List of files in the directory specified by the -srcdir option. If omitted, all files in the directory (which is a mandatory argument in this case) will be used. Files in the list must be separated by spaces.


Password to check integrity of the keystore or unlock the keystore


Keystore type. The default value is "jks".


The -B option for the -deploy command is used to specify arguments for the bundler that is used to create self-contained applications. Each type of bundler has its own set of arguments.  

General Bundler Arguments


Version of the application package. Some bundlers restrict the format of the version string.


Class path relative to the assembled application directory. The path is typically extracted from the JAR file manifest, and does not need to be set if you are using the other javapackager commands.


Location of the default icon to be used for launchers and other assists. For OS X, the format must be .icns. For Linux, the format must be .png.


Default value that is used for other platform-specific values such as mac.CFBundleIdentifier. Reverse DNS order is recommended, for example,


Option to be passed to the JVM when the application is run. Any option that is valid for the java command can be used. To pass more than one option, use multiple instances of the -B option, as shown in the following example:

-BjvmOptions=-Xmx128m -BjvmOptions=-Xms128m


Java System Property to be passed to the VM when the application is run. Any property that is valid for the -D option of the java command can be used. Specify both the property name and the value for the property. To pass more than one property, use multiple instances of the -B option, as shown in the following example:

-BjvmProperties=apiUserName=example -BjvmProperties=apiKey=abcdef1234567890


Name of the JAR file that contains the main class for the application. The file name is typically extracted from the JAR file manifest, and does not need to be set if you are using the other javapackager commands.


Preferences node to examine to check for JVM options that the user can override. The node specified is passed to the application at run time as the option This argument is used with the userJVMOptions argument.


Location of the JRE or JDK to include in the package bundle. Provide a file path to the root folder of the JDK or JRE. To use the system default JRE, do not provide a path, as shown in the following example:



JVM options that users can override. Any option that is valid for the java command can be used. Specify both the option name and the value for the option. To pass more than one option, use multiple instances of the -B option, as shown in the following example:

-BuserJvmOptions=-Xmx=128m -BuserJvmOptions=-Xms=128m

OS X Application Bundler Arguments


Category for the application. The category must be in the list of categories found on the Apple Developer website.


Value stored in the info plist for CFBundleIdentifier. This value must be globally unique and contain only letters, numbers, dots, and dashes. Reverse DNS order is recommended, for example,


Name of the application as it appears on the OS X Menu Bar. A name of less than 16 characters is recommended. The default is the name attribute.


Version number for the application, used internally. The value must be at least one integer and no more than three integers separated by periods (.) for example, 1.3 or 2.0.1. The value can be different than the value for the appVersion argument. If the appVersion argument is specified with a valid value and the mac.CFBundleVersion argument is not specified, then the appVersion value is used. If neither argument is specified, 100 is used as the version number.


Name of the signing key used for Devleloper ID or Gatekeeper signing. If you imported a standard key from the Apple Developer Website, then that key is used by default. If no key can be identified, then the application is not signed.


Prefix that is applied to the signed binary when binaries that lack plists or existing signatures are found inside the bundles.

OS X DMG (Disk Image) Bundler Arguments

The OS X DMG installer shows the license file specified by licenseFile, if provided, before allowing the disk image to be mounted.


Location of the End User License Agreement (EULA) to be presented or recorded by the bundler. The path is relative to the packaged application resources, for example, -BlicenseFile=COPYING.


Flag that indicates which drag-to-install target to use. Set to true to show the Applications folder. Set to false to show the Desktop folder. The default is true.


Version number for the application, used internally. The value must be at least one integer and no more than three integers separated by periods (.) for example, 1.3 or 2.0.1. The value can be different than the value for the appVersion argument. If the appVersion argument is specified with a valid value and the mac.CFBundleVersion argument is not specified, then the appVersion value is used. If neither argument is specified, 100 is used as the version number.


Flag that indicates if DMG customization steps that depend on executing AppleScript code are skipped. Set to true to skip the steps. When set to true, the disk window does not have a background image, and the icons are not moved into place. If the systemWide argument is also set to true, then a symbolic link to the root Applications folder is added to the DMG file. If the systemWide argument is set to false, then only the application is added to the DMG file, no link to the desktop is added.

OS X PKG Bundler Arguments

The OS X PKG installer presents a wizard and shows the license file specified by licenseFile as one of the pages in the wizard. The user must accept the terms before installing the application.


Location of the End User License Agreement (EULA) to be presented or recorded by the bundler. The path is relative to the packaged application resources, for example, -BlicenseFile=COPYING.


Name of the signing key used for Developer ID or Gatekeeper signing. If you imported a standard key from the Apple Developer Website, then that key is used by default. If no key can be identified, then the application is not signed.


Version number for the application, used internally. The value must be at least one integer and no more than three integers separated by periods (.) for example, 1.3 or 2.0.1. The value can be different than the value for the appVersion argument. If the appVersion argument is specified with a valid value and the mac.CFBundleVersion argument is not specified, then the appVersion value is used. If neither argument is specified, 100 is used as the version number.

Mac App Store Bundler Arguments

Location of the file that contains the entitlements that the application operates under. The file must be in the format specified by Apple. The path to the file can be specified in absolute terms, or relative to the invocation of javapackager. If no entitlements are specified, then the application operates in a sandbox that is stricter than the typical applet sandbox, and access to network sockets and all files is prevented.


Name of the application signing key for the Mac App Store. If you imported a standard key from the Apple Developer Website, then that key is used by default. If no key can be identified, then the application is not signed.


Name of the installer signing key for the Mac App Store. If you imported a standard key from the Apple Developer Website, then that key is used by default. If no key can be identified, then the application is not signed.


Version number for the application, used internally. The value must be at least one integer and no more than three integers separated by periods (.) for example, 1.3 or 2.0.1. The value can be different than the value for the appVersion argument. If the appVersion argument is specified with a valid value and the mac.CFBundleVersion argument is not specified, then the appVersion value is used. If neither argument is specified, 100 is used as the version number. If this version is an upgrade for an existing application, the value must be greater than previous version number.

Linux Debian Bundler Arguments

The license file specified by licenseFile is not presented to the user in all cases, but the file is included in the application metadata.


Category for the application. See for examples.


Copyright string for the application. This argument is used in the Debian metadata.


Email address used in the Debian Maintainer field.


Location of the End User License Agreement (EULA) to be presented or recorded by the bundler. The path is relative to the packaged application resources, for example, -BlicenseFile=COPYING.


Short name of the license type, such as -BlicenseType=Proprietary, or "-BlicenseType=GPL v2 + Classpath Exception".


Corporation, organization, or individual providing the application. This argument is used in the Debian Maintainer field.

Linux RPM Bundler Arguments


Category for the application. See for examples.


Location of the End User License Agreement (EULA) to be presented or recorded by the bundler. The path is relative to the packaged application resources, for example, -BlicenseFile=COPYING.


Short name of the license type, such as -BlicenseType=Proprietary, or "-BlicenseType=GPL v2 + Classpath Exception".


Corporation, organization, or individual providing the application.


The following options are no longer used by the packaging tool and are ignored if present.

-runtimeversion version

Version of the required JavaFX Runtime. Deprecated.


If present, the packager will not add the JavaFX launcher classes to the JAR file. Deprecated.


* A -v option can be used with any task command to enable verbose output.

* When the -srcdir option is allowed in a command, it can be used more than once. If the -srcfiles option is specified, the files named in the argument will be looked for in the location specified in the preceding srcdir option. If there is no -srcdir preceding -srcfiles, the directory from which the javapackager command is executed is used.


Example 1 Using the -createjar Command

javapackager -createjar -appclass package.ClassName
  -srcdir classes -outdir out -outfile outjar -v
Packages the contents of the classes directory to outjar.jar, sets the application class to package.ClassName.

Example 2 Using the -deploy Command

javapackager -deploy -outdir outdir -outfile outfile -width 34 -height 43 
  -name AppName -appclass package.ClassName -v -srcdir compiled
Generates outfile.jnlp and the corresponding outfile.html files in outdir for application AppName, which is started by package.ClassName and has dimensions of 34 by 43 pixels.

Example 3 Using the -makeall Command

javapackager -makeall -appclass brickbreaker.Main -name BrickBreaker -width 600
-height 600
Does all the packaging work including compilation, createjar, and deploy.

Example 4 Using the -signjar Command

javapackager -signJar --outdir dist -keyStore sampleKeystore.jks -storePass ****
-alias duke -keypass **** -srcdir dist
Signs all of the JAR files in the dist directory, attaches a certificate with the specified alias, keyStore and storePass, and puts the signed JAR files back into the dist directory.

Example 5 Using the -deploy Command with Bundler Arguments

javapackager -deploy -native deb -Bcategory=Education -BjvmOptions=-Xmx128m 

    -BjvmOptions=-Xms128m -outdir packages -outfile BrickBreaker -srcdir dist 
    -srcfiles BrickBreaker.jar -appclass brickbreaker.Main -name BrickBreaker 
    -title "BrickBreaker demo"
Generates the native Linux Debian package for running the BrickBreaker application as a self- contained application.



General Bundler Arguments
OS X Application Bundler Arguments
OS X DMG (Disk Image) Bundler Arguments
OS X PKG Bundler Arguments
Mac App Store Bundler Arguments
Linux Debian Bundler Arguments
Linux RPM Bundler Arguments

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