Your button: = == ===> <=== == =
About this tool
This tool allows you to make those 80x15 sized buttons that can be found on a lot of pages.
It allows you to create those buttons without touching an image creating program.
The manual
If you move your mouse over the individal field descriptions, you'll see a short help tooltip with some explainations.
The final result is displayed in the "Your Button" Section. If you changes one or more values you need to click on the "(re)create button"
button to, well, recreate the button with the new settings. After you fine-tuned your button, you can save it to your harddisc by
right-clicking it and pick "Save Images As" (or similar, depending on your browser).
Turn tooltip help on
Note: The help tooltips only work with recent browsers which support CSS correctly ( or in other words: all but Microsoft Internet Explorer ).
2nd Note: do not link directly to those images here, they will be deleted after a few hours.
Have fun...
If you use the generated images, please put a link to this tool. thanks.
left part
right part
System images
Move the mouse over the images to get the name.
Copyright S&P Softwaredesign. Hosted on Permission granted to do whatever you want with the images created by this tool. Thanks to my Alpha and Beta testers Andreas Gerth, Martin Bergen and SmileyGen from #gentoo on efnet